Friday, December 31, 2010

Embracing Change in 2011…

Embrace Change.  This is my goal and mantra for 2011.  I don’t know quite what the near term future holds for us at this point, but I’m historically really bad at handling any type of change – which is kind of ironic, considering my career has been built around Change  Management.   It’s so much easier to help others embrace change than doing it yourself.

The thing is – it’s so easy to get comfortable.  And comfortable seems like a good thing, right?  Lee and I will have a better idea of our near future plans in March, and until then,  I guess we just have to let it be.

My other resolutions/goals for 2011 include:

  • Cook (more) – Thanks Top Chef All Stars, you have inspired me to be all I can be in the kitchen.  I plan on making lots of soups and healthy (but delicious) dishes.
  • Relax – this seems silly and a bit gluttonous coming off a week a half of vacation, but I don’t mean literally relax – like watching TV while eating bon bons.  I mean letting go of things that are not in my control, being less critical and letting the dishes sit in the sink for one night (after they’ve been rinsed of course.)
  • See family more – It is rare when all of our family can get together.  Last night my dad reminded me it was the first time, my brother, husband and parents were together in several months.   Even when we do get together, it seems there are other distractions, and the time just flies.  Nothing is more important to me than family, and I hope we can be together more in 2011.


Image by Charlotte Rutherford

Do you have a mantra or resolutions for 2011?

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Loving all things Gray.

I’ve mentioned it before, but I am still loving all things Gray.  It’s so versatile and can be used in any room in a house as shown in the examples below. 


And this bedroom – how gorgeous!  Loving the gray, taupe with a touch of pink combination.  Not too girly at all.


For all things beautiful and gray, check out this great site


What is your favorite color to decorate with?

One Year Blogoversary!!

Wow – how time flies!  This is the one year blogoversary for The Chenault Life.  I have loved having this creative outlet and am so thankful to my loyal readers and followers.  One of my favorite things about the end of the year is reflection.  So with that said, here are my favorite posts from 2010 in case you missed them!

  1. Thanks to the help of Kristin, we turned a plain white canvas into Lee’s Man Wall.
  2. Kitty’s modeling career was launched when he was featured on Desire to Inspire’s Pet’s on Furniture this summer.  What a hottie.
  3. Did you see this video?  It’s SO cute.  I love this precocious little boy and well intentioned but very confused parents.  Check it out for a good laugh.




Image via

Thanks again for following me and your support.  I love reading and hearing your comments. Please stay tuned for 2011. I’m hoping to go through a full re-branding effort (new name hopefully!) and lots of fun posts.  Happy 2011!!

Monday, December 27, 2010


I saw these amazing pictures here, and could not believe these beautiful pieces are made form soda cans. Their purpose is to show the vast amounts we consume in our daily lives. Check out the post below for more information.

Running The Numbers   via

Photographer Chris Jordan explores the phenomenon of American consumerism by making large-format, long-zoom artwork from the most mindblowing data. Cans Seurat depicts 106,000 aluminum cans in the form of George Seurat’s A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte; 106,000 being the number of cans used in the US every thirty seconds. Mindblowing indeed.

(images from Chris Jordan)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Best wishes to everyone and their families this holiday season.  Hope yours is filled with laughter, love, and delicious food



Lee, Sarah and “Kitty” Chenault

Friday, December 17, 2010

2010 Top Ten Lists :: Best Commercial

One thing I like about the end of the year is the reflection.  Many publications come out with the Top Ten Best and Worst Lists.  This Times article in extremely comprehensive and interesting with 50 lists including everything from “Top Ten Albums”  to “Top Ten Medical Breakthroughs” with plenty in between.

One of such lists was Top Ten Commercials and Google’s ‘Parisian Love’ was featured.  This commercial debuted at the 2010 Superbowl and won the hearts of millions.   Here it is again for your viewing pleasure…

Now with me 1, 2, 3 …ahhh!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sienna Miller:: NYE Inspiration

I’ve admired Sienna Miller’s quirky fashion sense and enjoy reading her interviews like this one as she’s funny and fresh.  I loved when she wore this Burberry black and gold dress to the 2006 Costume Institute so much that it’s inspired my NYE choice from Rent the Runway.

Sienna (How cute is she?!) in 2006

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What I’m Wearing - (first order of business substitute the sheer hose for some black, opaque ones immediately.)


What are you doing to bring in 2011?  Wow, that sounds weird!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Naughty or Nice?

This past weekend we celebrated the annual Naughty or Nice Party.  I can’t believe we started this five years ago.  Love looking back through pictures…They have all been so fun!

2010 – Me, Kar, Amy, Mere and Megan


2009 – Kristin, Me, Kar, Amy and Mere


2008 – Kar, Megan, Me, Mere and Amy


2007 – Me, Amy and Kar


2006 – Me and Kari as roommates


Monday, December 13, 2010

christmas gift guide part 6

Are you still working on your Christmas shopping list?  Here are some more last minute ideas that should please the gift recipient...

Kate Spade polka dot coasters and a snazzy iphone 4 hardcover

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Toast in every language!


Although I cannot personally vouch for this game, my friend (and often game partner) Patty, swears it’s super fun.


Love this soft, cozy sweater and the surprise tie-up bow in the  back.

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Only 12 more days – can you believe it?

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Lonny: December Issue…Black and White

The new issue of the online design magazine, Lonny, just came out. It’s awesome eyecandy as always and seemed to have a lot of black and white themed rooms and designs. Here are some of my favorite things from the issue…

Spotted here – this gorgeous tablescape makes me happy.  Love the black confetti on a white tablecloth and contrast of gold and red.


Loving these curtains.


Gorgeous bathroom wallpaper


Maybe Lee and I wouldn’t fight over the pillows if we monogrammed them like this.


Happy Browsing.

Friday, December 10, 2010


Awhile back, I blogged when my good friend Susan got married.  Now, the Barry’s are sharing what I consider The.Best.Christmas Card. Ever.

Check it out below!


This weekend, I’m hoping to GTL (minus the T – that’s just unhealthy) and avoid any Situations.  Hope you have a great weekend!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Where should we go? (Opinions Requested Please!)

Recently, Lee and I have been talking about taking a long weekend in January after the holidays end.  We haven’t taken a trip by ourselves in two years so I’m looking forward to getting away from the distractions of home…Santa Fe, NM and Palm Springs, CA are our top choices right now because of Jetsetter deals, and inexpensive Southwest flights.

Have you been to either?  I’d love recommendations and your thoughts!!  Lodging and flights costs about the same so here’s some of my preliminary thinking…

Santa Fe, NM (Pros)

Palm Springs, CA (Pros)

Easy to get to Better weather
Could be cold and snowy Could be boring?? Not sure I’ve never been…
Great culture – museums, art galleries, restaurants Golf (for Lee), potential sunning and the hotel promises good cocktails!

Here are some beautiful pictures from both cities!



Image credit

Palm Springs (The Parker isn’t a hotel option, but I definitely want to stop by and see Johnathan Adler’s work as shown below)


image credit



Hope you’re having a good week so far!

Monday, December 6, 2010

And why’s the carpet all wet Todd?

Sorry - this post title isn't really correlated to the post, but it's a line from my favorite Christmas Movie and it’s in my head.

I'm starting to put together some of our decorations, and it's been fun.  Kitty, has already caused some damage - breaking ornaments when he flings himself into our tree, tearing the bows off of presents and creating huge gaps in the trees as shown below.


And a few favorite ornaments including the one Lee put my engagement ring on.

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Thanks to the inspiration of the very talented, Kyle Knight, I used Z. Gallerie fillers for our kitchen table centerpiece.


And lastly... PRESENTS! I loved this Ho! Ho! Ho! sparkling wrapping paper from Marshall’s Home Goods. 


PS: This is what my Christmas decorations look like in my fantasy world.


PS: Sorry, I saved this image, and I don’t remember where it’s from to give it credit.

Friday, December 3, 2010

christmas gift guide part 5

This week sure went by fast.   What are you doing this weekend? We are attending our company’s holiday party tonight, and I’m heading to Austin to see my little brother graduate from UT.  Lots to celebrate this weekend.

Here are some of my favorite gift ideas from this week…

Custom Oil Painted picture


Featured on One King’s Lane – turn a favorite photo into a personalized oil painting.

Seasoning with a sense of humor – love the Mr. and Mrs. Salt and Pepper


This sweater spotted here looks so cozy and warm


Decorate sunburst mirror – spotted here for a very reasonable price


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Feast Interruptus

have you seen that new Tommy Hilfiger commercial?  I kind of love it.  The song is catchy and gets in your head.  Plus it reminds me of the Royal Tenenbaums – and I swear I know the guy at the end who cockily says, “Don’t you love the holidays?”… Maybe he just has that look…

I haven’t worn TH in years, but this commercial has peaked my interest.  Remember when it was cool to wear the TH polo shirts in middle school?  They were huge!


Image via

If you haven’t see it, watch here (AND try not to get the song stuck in your head.)