Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I have to thank my dear friend, Meagan (and one of my very few blog readers ;)), for introducing me to three of my favorite websites. They are incredibly different and special in their own way. I don’t make daily visits (thanks to work) but I try to stop by weekly and always leave satisfied…If you are sick of browsing the same Facebook, Twitter and news sites – check these out.

· – cutest website ever! Find hilarious pics of cats and dogs with captions written – sound cheesy? Give it a shot. IF you don’t LOL, I wil be surprised.
· – Perez is a celebrity blogger with a love/hate relationship for most stars. He’s also snarky and has a penchant for drawing gross pics. I love him for his extreme bluntness, infrequent but occasional signs of compassion and quickness in reporting breaking pop culture news…if only he’d stop drawing the stick figures....
· - this site is incredible. It features a young woman and her love for high fashion, art and photography. She has made quite a name for herself through the blog and will be designing for Urban Outfitters in the near future. She’s also been featured in Vogue and several other fashion publications.

The picture is of Meagan and I before we went to the hottes/sweatiest dinner ever at the Oasiss in Austin over the 4th of July.

1 comment:

  1. aw, thanks for the shout out! can't believe i introduced you to perez (kinda embarassed about that). love that you love sea of shoes! here are a couple more i think you'll like (can't paste the URL, just google):

    Desire to Inspire - beyond words
    Mimi and Meg - really cute

    ps - i know for a fact you have other blog readers. :)
