Tuesday, October 23, 2012
It's a Girl!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Dream Dinners
In the introductory offer, you can pick 18 servings for $75, which is less than $5 a serving - cheaper than fast food. We are heading there in a couple of weekends to assemble and pack up our choices...
Here is what I ordered for October, doesn't it look delicious! Drooling...Please let me know if you have ever tried it - I'd love to hear about your experience!
Mexican Meatballs
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Summer Book Reviews
This summer I was the biggest bookworm. Always a lover of a good book, this summer I hit the jackpot with several engrossing fictional stories and memoirs. If you are getting ready for a big trip (Ash!) or just looking for something to curl up with this Fall, I highly recommend the following...
The Paris Wife – recommended by my sister in law, this is a fictional account of the lives and marriage of Hadley and Ernest Hemingway during the Jazz Age of Paris. You don’t have to know much about Ernest Hemingway’s stories or the jazz age of Paris to enjoy this vivid story and the highs and lows of their tumultuous marriage.
Let's Pretend this Never Happened – written by the adorably, charming and quirky Texas blogger, Jenny Lawson this memoir had me laughing out loud every night. Jenny is the best combination of David Sedaris and Chelsea Handler. She is also endearingly vulnerable and self deprecating as she discusses her struggles with debilitating anxiety. Jenny’s childhood West Texas upbringing is unique, and her stories of her crazy dad and his latest taxidermy ambition will have you giggling like a school girl. I can’t wait to see what she does next. If the length of the book intimidates you (it’s a long one) do yourself a favor and check out her quirky blog…
Gone Girl – a great, twisted thriller that will keep you turning the pages long after your sig other has fallen asleep (and leave you wanting to sleep with the lights on). This thriller is unexpected and an overall entertaining read. I liked it so much, I read the author’s other new novels which are equally dark and disturbing, Dark Places and Sharp Objects…Just a warning, reading these gritty mysteries may lead to some nightmares and a desire to keep a night light close by.
I Feel Bad About my Neck (and Other Thoughts on Being a Woman) – after Nora Ephron passed away this summer, I had a strong desire for her light humorous writing and storytelling that she became so well known for. This memoir is her lovely perspective of getting older, aging and general thoughts on life as a woman. She was a classic storyteller, and her voice is as charming as ever in this light memoir.
Please let me know if you've read anything recently that you love! Looking to dive back into a great book this Fall!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Fall Recipe List
Butternut squash mac and cheese
Grilled Asparagus and Feta Salad and Spicy Black Bean Tacos
Butternut squash and apple soup
Uchiko’s Brussel Sprouts – ambitious but worth it if they tasted anything like the restaurants
Sweet potato veggie burgers and avocado hummus
And dessert of course – Pumpkin chocolate chip bars
Monday, October 8, 2012
Nursery Inspiration
In a couple of weeks we’ll find out the sex of Baby C, but in the meantime, I love looking at gender-neutral items for a nursery and imagining how we will decorate for the little one. The reality of our situation is we’ll only be in our current home for three months once the baby arrives, so it doesn’t make a lot of sense to invest in designing and perfecting a nursery. That line of rational thought doesn’t stop me from perusing tons of sources and mentally designing one anyway. And while we may not go full out, there are some darling things out there that may eventually have to come home (I mean that sheep rocker – I’m dying it’s so cute!)
Here are the things I’m loving today…If you’d like to see the sources, please check out my Pinterest board!
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Feeling Cozy
Between the crisp (ok – cold) Chicago weather and my expanding waist (hips, rear, legs, etc.) all I want is to snuggle up in cozy and comfortable clothes. Thankfully, there are so many options right now, and with the basics including: 1) a good pair of thick leggings or skinny jeans, 2) flat riding boots or booties, 3) a tunic or oversized sweater to cover the aforementioned expanding rear, 4) and maybe a scarf or fun accessory to zazz it up, this can be easily accomplished without spending a fortune. Not only is this look totally functional and comfy, it’s cute and flattering when done right…
Here are some of my favorite variations of this look…
See my Fall Wish List inspiration board for sources!
Back from the dead…(aka, busy, lazy, and full of excuses not to blog)
Well hi there…It’s been over six months since my last post, and I feel like I have completely abandoned you. I don’t really have an excuse for the long hiatus, but in general I think life just got in the way…Through the Spring I was still traveling for work, and trying to balance that craziness. Come Summer I had plenty of free time, but we were living in pretty nast temporary housing back in Houston for Lee’s internship, and I was feeling less than inspired…Also, we found out we’re expecting a baby (coming this Spring!), so for the first 12 weeks or so, I just wasn’t feeling normal and up to par, like most women experience in their first trimesters.
I’m 14.5 weeks now and feeling much more energized and normal. I hope to keep this up on a regular basis and continue to share fun stuff like interior design and top fashion picks from the awards shows as well as some personal things as our family (and I) expand!
Thanks for reading (if you’re still out there…)
Here’s a recent pic at 14.5 weeks.